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News from the CIC and members

Whether you are looking for insights into cannabis industry advancements, legislative changes, or updates from members, our latest news stories cover a wide range of topics, including collaborative projects, policy updates, and global trends that impact the legal UK and international cannabis sectors. By bringing together news from across the industry, we aim to keep you informed and engaged, supporting growth and innovation. 

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Speakers confirmed for CIC event on 4 May

The CIC is pleased to confirm a number of guest speakers for our all-member meeting being held in London on 4 May 2023. The speakers are as follows: David Badcock, Drug Science Dr Lydia Smith, NIAB Kostya Turchak (Magonova) and Nazariy Sovsun (Cannabis Stands with Ukraine) David will be discussing

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All-member event set for 4 May

The Cannabis Industry Council is delighted to confirm our next all-member meeting (and AGM) will be held on Thursday 4 May. The event will be held from 1.30 – 5pm at Etc Venues, 8 Fenchurch Place, London, EC3M 4PB. Those unable to attend in person can also participate virtually, via

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New research library for members

The Cannabis Industry Council has compiled a member-only library of cannabis research and reports. Initially, the library holds 24 publications, including peer-reviewed medical research, policy reports, and hemp publications. The Council hopes that by making these publications more accessible, it will boost the capability and knowledge of the industry. Members

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Cohort of new members join CIC

We are pleased to welcome a number of new members to the Cannabis Industry Council. They are as follows: Botanical Health Dispensary Celadon Pharmaceuticals Cicada (Jersey) Kloris CBD Medicine Woman Global Medisonal Sanskara The Cannabis Pages TMG Technologies We look forward to collaborating with our newest members, as we seek

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Irish Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use could boost medicinal cannabis

The Cannabis Industry Council (CIC) has welcomed the establishment of a Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use in Ireland, and the appointment of former Health Service Executive CEO, Paul Reid, as its chair. A CIC spokesperson said: “The Cannabis Industry Council very much hopes this development will unlock the stalemate on

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Treasury should “unlock” cannabis economic benefits, says CIC

The Treasury has been urged to ”unlock the very significant economic potential” of the medical cannabis, hemp, and CBD wellbeing sectors by the Cannabis Industry Council (CIC). To achieve a £2 billion boost to the economy, the CIC has called on the Treasury to “deliver cross-government coordination” of cannabis policy,

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New members welcomed to CIC

The Cannabis Industry Council is delighted to welcome a number of new members to the organisation. They are as follows: CatSci Ethypharm Glass Pharms Rua Bioscience TheraKann Pharmaceuticals Vega Product Solutions We look forward to our newest members bringing their expertise and insight into the CIC, as we seek to

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Key NHS cannabis project to kick off

A key project developing a flexible health economics analysis tool to evaluate the potential of cannabis prescriptions on the NHS is set to kick off, after funding was secured from a range of backers. Supporters of the project are Glass Pharms, Ethypharm, and Rua Bioscience. Additional funding was also secured

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Work for the CIC: Membership Assistant

UPDATE: This role has now been filled An exciting opportunity to work for the Cannabis Industry Council, a leading membership organisation within the UK cannabis sector. Reporting to the CEO, the Membership Assistant will support the implementation of the Council’s strategic plan and day-to-day activities. Role specification Utilising Xero for

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UN Hemp Report

UN calls for hemp regulatory reform

A new report from the United Nations has highlighted the benefits associated with hemp, as well as calling for regulatory reform to enable these opportunities to be realised. The report, entitled ‘Commodities at a Glance: Special issue on industrial hemp‘, says hemp cultivation should be allowed in every country. It

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CIC discusses hemp on The Cannabis Conversation

On the latest edition of The Cannabis Conversation, CIC representatives discussed how hemp can play an important role in environmental sustainability. CIC Executive Committee member Jamie Bartley, and CIC CEO Mike Morgan-Giles, were in conversation with podcast host Anuj Desai. They discussed the significant opportunities from hemp, the challenges that

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Six in 10 NHS Trusts not prescribing any cannabis medicines

Over six in 10 NHS Foundation Trusts in England (61%) say they did not prescribe any cannabis-based prescription medicines in 2021, according to new research from the Cannabis Industry Council (CIC). The study also found that the NHS prescribed cannabis-based medicines to just 977 individuals in 2021. This equates to

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CIC welcomes first ‘International Observer’

The Cannabis Industry Council is pleased to confirm the creation of a new category called ‘International Observer’, in order to enhance collaboration with likeminded organisations abroad. The category is open to reputable cannabis industry representative bodies who are based overseas, including trade associations, membership organisations, and professional bodies. They can

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New offering for the CBD industry announced

The Cannabis Industry Council (CIC) has developed a new offering for CBD companies, in order to better represent the interests of this important sector. A new CBD working group has been created by the CIC, which will kick off in early 2023. The group will discuss the key issues facing

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CIC expands membership benefits

The Cannabis Industry Council is pleased to announce a range of additional benefits for members, including a new annual conference, more promotional opportunities, and further resources – such as webinars, publications and discounted third party services. Furthermore, given the challenging economic outlook, we have reviewed our approach to membership fees.

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New research on real world evidence for cannabis

Important new research entitled ‘The value of real world evidence: the case of medical cannabis’, has been produced by Drug Science. The research considers whether randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are suitable for the medical cannabis industry, given the constraints they have brought about. As a solution, the researchers propose using

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Support a parliamentary debate on cannabis

The Cannabis Industry Council is supporting efforts by our member Maple Tree to secure parliamentary time for a debate on the economic merits of the medical cannabis and CBD industry. We urge everyone within the sector to write to your local MP on this important matter by completing this simple

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Complete our CIC business survey

The CIC has launched a quarterly member business survey, to start building a wider understanding of the size and activity within the cannabis sector. The survey includes questions specific to clinics, dispensaries, importers, and around industry priorities. These cover areas such as prescriptions, sales, turnover, and staffing numbers. The survey

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CIC statement on CBD applications

Jamie Bartley, Chair of the CIC Hemp Working Group, commented: “The Cannabis Industry Council notes the announcement of recent applications and toxicology studies submitted by other industry organisations to the Food Standards Agency. “The CIC’s approach to these matters is guided by scientific and medical evidence. We are seeking clarification

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Speakers confirmed for all-member meeting

The CIC is pleased to confirm two guest speakers for our all-member meeting being held in London on 24 January 2023. The speakers are as follows: Paul Tossell, Head of Novel Foods, Food Standards Agency Katya Kowalski, Head of Operations, Volteface Paul will be discussing the CBD regulatory framework, while

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Webinar: How to secure tax credits and grant funding

The Tax Credit Company and Catax are hosting a free webinar for CIC members on Tuesday 6 December from 12noon – 1pm. Join us to find out how to secure tax credits and grant funding for innovative cannabis-related business activity. This is followed by a Q&A session. Speakers will include

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CIC defines vision, mission and values

We are pleased to confirm that the CIC has now defined its vision, mission, and values, which are as follows: Our vision is to: Improve access to cannabis to enhance people’s health, the environment, and the economy Our mission is to: Lead the UK cannabis industry to success and enable

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CIC joins European Industrial Hemp Association

The Cannabis Industry Council has joined the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA). EIHA has member associations from across Europe, including Germany, France, and Ireland. Other non-EU member associations include Switzerland, Iceland, and Albania. Participation in EIHA will enable the CIC to share and understand best practice with other members, and

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Follow CIC on Instagram

You can now follow updates from the Cannabis Industry Council on our new Instagram channel @UKCanCouncil. The launch of the CIC Instagram account coincides with the start of Medical Cannabis Awareness Week (1 November). The channel adds to the CIC’s existing social presence on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Medical Cannabis Awareness Week set to kick off

Medical Cannabis Awareness Week 2022, organised by PLEA and supported by the CIC, is set to kick off next Tuesday 1 November. The awareness week runs until Monday 7 November, with a series of events being held, as follows: Tuesday 1 November, 6 – 7.30pm, online – Medical cannabis research

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